I swear that I read somewhere that Shelton doesn't like that speech (or, at the very least, the last line about the deep kisses) and grudgingly added it in to make some suit happy and get his movie made.
I swear that I read somewhere that Shelton doesn't like that speech (or, at the very least, the last line about the deep kisses) and grudgingly added it in to make some suit happy and get his movie made.
Whoa - I suddenly thought I was on songmeanings.com for a second there.
Say what? That's one of the more up-beat Smog songs.
It's…it's just TV, man.
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus Sorry - I had already done an The A.V. Club joke and had the fix. Upon revisiting it, I wish I had posted a comment in between the two above that simply said something like "Wait a second…"
@avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus As I said, I haven't seen this episode in syndication in years - and I don't mean one or two years, I mean closer to a decade. My local channel (in N. Carolina) seemed to stop showing Golden Age stuff years and years ago. Maybe they sneak them in every once in a while,…
I was at the Full Frame documentary festival this past weekend and was very tempted to see Leviathan, but it was one of the last screenings of the night (10:30ish or so) and I'd already been there since 10 am.
The A.V. Club
…but somehow I managed to fit in 8 hours of TV a day.
This should've been the first and only comment.
It's true - he's so lame!
Yeah, I'm surprised by all the extreme love for the Robotic Richard Simmons. The "dogs with bees" bit is fucking great, but the cut scene of RRS is pretty deservedly cut, if you ask me.
@avclub-7656b560c7e180f8e0d84ca82ac0d8b7:disqus You're no longer a commenter being, you're a commenter doing. And what comes next?
Exactly! Large-pupils Homer is the best Homer. Groening, per usual, was totally wrong.
You might have a point…?
Yeah, really. That show went from INCREDIBLE CRITICAL AND SOCIAL IMPORTANCE to all but forgotten in like 5 years.
Yep, today's modern super-animals, like the flying squirrel or the electric eel.
@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus …but somehow I managed to fit in 8 hours of TV a day.
God dammit, @avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus , you know how to do this: