@avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus I think it's a reference to the fact that provincial dinner theater is generally not held in high esteem among the practitioners of the dramatic arts.
@avclub-c3420bfbd159b546b7ac7f38c6f7fa55:disqus I think it's a reference to the fact that provincial dinner theater is generally not held in high esteem among the practitioners of the dramatic arts.
Man, @avclub-9ff7c9eb9d37f434db778f59178012da:disqus I generally got nothing against you, but the fact that you'll defend Scenes from the Class Struggle and bash Mountain of Madness (among other Ron Carter/Don Del Grande-ish tendencies you've kind of copped to recently) just makes me think "truly you are the king of ki…
Whoa! Huge slam on Linda McCartney outta nowhere!
@avclub-85f3375756047fba207ce9b85780313b:disqus I agree with this, but I've always felt that was probably more of a happy accident (in terms of the animation process once it got to Korea) that I've grown to absolutely love over the years.
@avclub-658d0dcf613001598e03136ff93879d8:disqus Wait - isn't the "secret shame" bit left in the syndicated ep?
Is this the new DENTAL PLAN meme?
Straight away
No delay
What was the timing,
Brian May?
Ray Smuckles: "Heh. Probably not, but maybe?"
I thought that subtitle was odd, as you don't need to speak Russian to tell that the more literal translation of what he said was, seemingly, "capitalist progress".
My welcome!
Otherwise, it could explode, burning your hand, therefore preventing you from going on your daily jog (wait, what?)
Peterborough is in Ontario. It is the home of the Peterborough Petes, the CHL team.
I noticed that, for the first time (on TWC, at least), this episode didn't show up on the schedule as running until 11:03 or something like that, which I thought was kind of odd - I like the fact that FX, at least with this and Justified, has been good about having the actual times of the show's length and not just…
Huh. I've always thought that he looks like Julian McMahon's less-threatening little brother.
I haven't watched this in years. I should probably remedy that.
I'm more of a sexual well-wisher, in that I don't wish you any specific dissatisfaction.
The only Resnais film Criterion released as a Blu Ray was Last Year at Marienbad, right?
He's full of tinier men!
Then do "Dr. T and the Women"