It must be the 6:00 pm news. The 10:00 pm news gets a little blue…
It must be the 6:00 pm news. The 10:00 pm news gets a little blue…
@avclub-c871d4ba38c83e9b1642f02872f7ef2f:disqus Hell no!
It's not unheard of for people to pronounce it like "Nassau". However, the oddest thing I've heard is from a friend of mine who grew up in Sandusky, OH, where NASA has a research center.
Totally agreed. I absolutely love the "then…kinda sleepy" bit.
One of the rare times that I might agree with Matt Groening's complaints, in the commentaries, about a joke that he tried to keep out of the show.
Should've subbed Jerry Lewis for Mr. T.
Every Simpsons fan should know that a Geo cannot go fast and can easily be punctured by a putter.
@avclub-dc955b7f2360f5ac6560ddd8272f6800:disqus : "overexplaining of some of the simplest and most basic of jokes"
@avclub-ac9409d10ea7b978d52b9e977ef787cc:disqus If you're praying to The Mirkin, your bigger concern is more likely pubic lice.
I purchased it via direct mail order after I happened upon an advertisement in a reputable gentleman's quarterly.
It's funny to say this, especially in Homer's perfectly pouty way, whenever you're on the short end of something, like a general election or when your relatives won't let you blow out the candles on your niece's birthday cake.
He's right about the bad "Right Stuff" joke at the end.
I'm guessing that, per usual, the room had plenty of input on the script, so I think you might possibly have made a false idol of this Dave Mirkin.
I'm just amazed that a super religious person is also a big Harry Potter fan, as I live in an area where, back in the day, there were Southern Baptist churches with anti-Harry Potter messages on their roadside marquees or whatever you call them.
I remember this bit from the Great Muppet Caper simply because it was on TV the other day: the scene where Diana Rigg explains some back story to Ms. Piggy, Ms. Piggy questions why she just told her that, and Rigg responds something like "Well, it's exposition and it has to go somewhere" and just continues on.
Yeah, I think in that episode last week he really didn't play the befuddled card much, if it all.
@avclub-41e23e24ee2670c4128cd7e5e5ee42ab:disqus Oh, we're totally simpatico on that. I still like Ron as a character, but I am similarly wary and even annoyed by that common knee-jerk "RON SWANSON IS A BAD ASS!" sentiment engendered by the internet. That's why I occasionally like to offer up a different viewpoint on…
@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus I can understand the temptation to say the the host segs were never that big of a deal, because they should really be an afterthought considering what the bulk of the show was (riffing on movies).
Yep, it is horribly unfunny, painful to listen to (because you know it's coming) and beyond amateurish. I liked Mo back in his early days on the Daily Show, but the few things I've seen him in since have strongly hinted that the DS made him look better than he actually was.
Eh, it's a nice bit of self-deluding sophistry from Ron, but it doesn't change the fact that Leslie mostly gets what she wants anyway, nor the fact that she really runs the department and that Ron, whatever Dutch Boy fantasies he has about his job, is essentially what he supposedly hates the most: a redundant…