
@avclub-884c4beddd8c98bb3b016bdfcc1bcdf8:disqus Personally, I don't remember there being a huge difference between the amount of jokes made in say, season 3 episodes, versus season 9 eps.  But I've always felt the joke quality was much better in the Comedy Central seasons.

@avclub-d2c9eea93641553aa8f0d136c462ac1e:disqus Man, what are you talking about?!

Does this mean we'd have to hear his "Wait, Wait, Don't Tell Me" schtick of not knowing the answer and stalling for time by just repeating the question a bunch of times as if he's thinking out loud?

The long-term unemployed do not wake up early enough to watch morning shows.

I admit, I thought it was odd when I read that hockey was part of the supposed hipster package.

@avclub-4ac745955b6899abd58190f970914e8a:disqus I know, my parents still love to remind me of this fact.

@avclub-1281c02fa3b6de71a7896cda7f879c0d:disqus I never said it was a bad episode.  It is a decent episode that seems much better than it is when compared to the overall lower quality Sci Fi era episodes that it's a part of.

It is a very good mustache.

You want to make fun of rave kids or hippies?  So retro.  So hipster.

Heh.  I really don't care about Hodgman that much either way, to be honest.

Eh, who cares?  The fact that Final Sacrifice is held up by some people as a great Sci Fi era episode just shows how far the quality of the show had dropped by then.

Ron Swanson is a silly, single-minded hypocrite with intermittent saving graces .  He bemoans government and its waste, yet he is perfectly content to do nothing in his job as a government employee and get paid for it.

Anybody who's anybody knows that Purdue is the school in Indiana for this.

Out-of-shape nerdy guy wearing an ascot, aviators and ironic facial hair judges hipsters.

Yeah.  Anybody can put up videos on the internet, this is a given.  It was nice that Super Deluxe could advertise on (Turner-owned) TV channels (that's what got me into Baby Cakes/Prof Bros), but it's not really necessary these days, right?

Can I just repost my bitchy bitch bitch bitch rant from this week's Justified comments about how the mountains in SoCal look nothing like the ones in the Appalachians  and would the TV people stop framing shots that include them so noticeably in the background?

I gave the first few episodes a whirl, but it didn't really grab me (not bad, but didn't really make me laugh much or hold my interest, either).

Wait, are you just now reading your daughters' diaries from 2003?  Isn't that the last time women, in general, were fixated on Vin Diesel?

I'm sad to hear that this isn't just a one-off post from @avclub-2ee2b21306830e5dca292c37d23cb63d:disqus .  I guess I missed his other posts of sticking it to @avclub-f8f8c273f326be25421cc62737d24a9e:disqus .

A very good point, indeed.  Neely really reminds me of Chris Onstad (of Achewood fame) in that way - both have a real knack for language and idiosyncratic, unproven or just invented slang.