
@avclub-394dc8be941678fb1dcfc647005e6af6:disqus The Bill is/was a long-running police drama ("The Ol' Bill" is slang for the police).  I'll be honest, I only watched about 15 mins of it once in the 3 years I lived there.  I'd compare it to Law & Order, but it was probably more soap opera-esque than strict

Nice call, Phil.

Can't believe this took so long to show up!  As someone who is embarrassed by how much he played this album in 1998, I can't help but agree.

God, I love On the Beach.

I really want to agree with this, but I was listening to this album again just last night (an friend of mine took it upon himself to remaster it in his own fashion and wanted me to listen to his version), and I was reminded that I really don't care that much about Lily, Rosemary and the Jack of Hearts.

Really?  Look, I loved the Far Side growing up (I was a kid who adored it while it was actually appearing in papers), and still give it a lot of respect, but there are a lot…and I mean a LOT…of mediocre strips/panels and, really, a lot of duds.  (Gotta meet that deadline.)

You didn't have to mention that you're a Yank, by the way, because you started your post with "Never heard of The Bill".

God, when this came out I never had any interest in seeing it, and years later the unreasonable hatred of the idea of this existing is still there.

How the hell did @RepostedLtBroccoliComments miss out on a real chance for his/her gimmick to actually work?!

I like to think of him as my friend!

Aren't most music docs about talented people in popular music acts having ego clashes?  It happens in a lot of bands.  Don't take it too personally.

Over the Rhine

@avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus is right about J5 being too late; in fact, I'd probably guess that they were kids who came up listening to those groups and wore their influences on their sleeves.

You know, when Ron Swanson disses dogs under 50 lbs as cats (my old Lakeland Terrier intimidated Rottweilers, you fuck) but then dances like this after some FourLoko-wannabe hits, I just remember that he's a sad cypto-fascist who lucked into liking decent scotch and steak.

I wasn't that big on Oh, Hello/TMT in general, but that capper might've made it all worthwhile. 

I thought this was really enjoyable episode, but I tend to like most eps where Jilly-bean gets more time.  I've thought a lot of the eps recently have just been so-so, and while this might not have been up to the level of my few favorite episodes, it's the best in a while, I'd say.

And they could've had Will Arnett as Banks, the NBC executive in charge of all the retooling.

@avclub-87caf7c42aedbada42572e2374eed08d:disqus I'm an NHL fan.  I was just joking on the fact that both of the ESPN talking heads I mentioned let loose in separate discussions on Monday that they thought that there were still ties in the NHL.

Wait, unless Stephen A. Smith and Tony Kornheiser were wrong, I thought the "3" in 23-0-3 was how many ties they had!

Wait, MST3K didn't start until late '88, and even then it was only on local TV in Minneapolis.  It didn't go national until late '89.