
I don't keep up with Wilco fanatics or anything, but I've been a fan for a relatively long time (Being There-era; not cool enough to be there, ahem, from Uncle Tupelo times), and, although I still like Wilco and give all due respect to Tweedy, I still kind of lament the loss of Jay Bennett.

So…does this mean that this show is or is not gonna go crazy and put everybody in prison and then wonder why it gets cancelled?

@avclub-4d3bac64f0fbcc90a6b5c82f09ea4418:disqus I'm just saying that Seth Green is an asshole who wears kitschy shirts.

Good point.  Bloom County was kind of similar, and added the light political satire to boot.  Not many other of my 9 year old friends knew who Caspar Weinberger was.

Yeah, @avclub-525f76574b3a2a5bcb4da793c92a16fb:disqus , I know exactly what you mean.  Ever since reading that 10th Anniversary book, I guess sometime in my late teens or so, I haven't really gone back to C&H.  I even agreed with a lot of what he was saying, yet somehow the vibe that remained was holier-than-thou. 

@avenuehebrew:disqus Onstad seemed to have a lot of issues with the whole shop thing a few years back - at least, on the old assetbar comments section on the site, people started complaining about placing orders and never receiving the goods.  I remember one person saying it had been over a year and they never got

Hmm.  When I heard about the show, I was kind of weary of the idea.  Like @avclub-24370abd0822eca5b913d5f798db4065:disqus , I kind of stopped giving the benefit of the doubt to Onstad a long time ago.

I've always liked Onstad's minor fascination with bumper stickers.  Some other examples:

Also, anyone who wears Chinese "Star Wars" shirts…oh, hey, Seth Green!

You got this dead on, Marah.  It's such a fun damn song, and though I hadn't listened to this song in probably 10 years, I could still recite the last verse with about a 99% success rate.  Listening to this album about 1000 times in 1993 probably helped.

James Stewart?  Wait, do you mean JStwt?

Heh.  @avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus you asinine voice of godfucking reason.  And D.G., you also sooo correct.

They were fucking corn dogs.  

DVD…breaks?  This time?

Very good point.  I like this episode, but watching it again, I couldn't help but think that it's not chock-full of as many laugh-out-loud gags and shenanigans as the episodes that surround it in the season.

I'll probably do this again in the comments for the next ep, but what the hell?

Yeah, I was all "wait is this a Norbit joke somehow?" but yo I'm drunk

@avclub-9ad2f925a32643f541b183503f33a8c6:disqus - it reminds me of going out for a 5K run in the winter.

Is this going somewhere?

Yeah, at the risk of GAY PANIC controversy, that might be my favorite gag in the episode.  It's really, really god damn funny.