
Yeah, I never really understood the draw.  I'm obviously a freak for the show, but I'm firmly in the Homer camp of wondering why a grown man (or woman) would own dolls and the like.

But Barnacle Bill's Home Pregnancy Test comes with a free corncob pipe!

@avclub-f6c9dc70ecfd8f90ba8598aa2401cd1a:disqus I can understand the soft spot for Deep Deep Trouble - I think I've seen that video once in the last 20 years, yet I can still recite large swaths the lyrics of it from memory


@avclub-fbca7c48c185890bd31f538b91ba5fbb:disqus I have a HAM radio.

I think it was called, "The Bus That Couldn't Turn Around"!

@avclub-4602fc349ffc0ad649190e937f2a5f14:disqus Cor blimey, mate.  Why would you flush your erasers down the loo, ol chap.

But…your pickle factory is your butt!  And butts aren't gay!

@avclub-7656b560c7e180f8e0d84ca82ac0d8b7:disqus Yeah, that's the thing.  There are times when they just get a little lost watching the show and don't talk for a while, which are often broken by someone reminding everyone else that they're supposed to be commenting.  Then there are times when there's a long enough

"I love you, Krusty!"

Was it banished to the Land of Wind and Ghosts?

Rewatching this ep with commentary earlier, I was curioius about the very noticable ~30 seconds of silence during and following the "The Klown Show has been put on hiatus for retooling" bit.

Well, after forcing a gun control discussion into last week's Classic review (because one scene made fun of gun owners…?), who knows what Rabin will get from this episode?

I got to genuinely use this quote last night, directed at a friend who is actually a professor.  It made my day.

See, that's why I don't check out the Girls comment section - apparently, there are absolutely NO posts where it's simply people quoting lines from the episode.

It's not really the "yeeeeeeaaah" bit that's funny - it's the dog's surprised reaction that made me laugh.

The weird thing, for me, is that I've seen this particular clip before and thought it was funny - but for some reason I laughed so hard this time that I hurt my throat.  I also cried.  I'd blame it on the beer, but I was probably drinking when the first time I saw it.

More Reba!  More Garth!

Whoa, really?  The only time I've ever seen this is in my own life when I was, against my better judgement, into this married gal and I think she enjoyed flirting with me, and maybe her husband kinda knew?

And I read "That's how that went" as your actual response to "I don't speak English", and now I want to have an awkward conversation with someone and instantly summarize it vocally.