
Heh, Todd.  I'm almost tempted to think that you did have internet access at some point while writing this and looked up that the Blues are on a five-game losing streak, just to make your "pretend that still applies" comment even funnier.

This site's motto is "Semper fudge"

This is pretty much number 1 on the "tall guy problems" list.  When someone keeps trying to move it back, that's when I really just jam my knees into the back of their chair.  That normally wises 'em up fast.

I saw that - I just chose to believe that it was a reply to another comment that maybe linked to another video with a rabbit in it, even though it was clear it was not in response to any other comment.

The cut to the exterior shot of Bunny shooting out of the window, end-over-end, and over the cliff never ceases to make me laugh.

This came out in my early teens, so my memory might be a little hazy, but I've always pinned a large part of its failure on the advertising campaign.

As a fellow oak, I approve of this correction.

I know that Hilty is probably most well-known as a Broadway star and for playing one on TV in Smash, but I'll always think of her as the heckler on Louie.  It was that scene that made me think "wow, this could be a great show".


Bruno Ganz is there?

@avclub-0d4efaa2c9d1041eb9b8b5319eec8531:disqus Are you really trying to claim Doctor Who fans as "nerds" when you're on here trying to justify the existence of a 3rd decade Simpsons episode?

@avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus As fan of MST3K since ~1992: get your fucking golden age Simpsons DVDs first, dammit.

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus a SHARK attacks a GORILLA in a TREE.

Huh?!  Man, this is totally outta left field!  I'm goin', "What?"

Weird.  I'm surprised that, in this thread at least, this is not an uncommon sentiment.  I've always thought of this as a highlight episode of the season, if not the series, simply because it's just so much damn fun.


So was it sensible discretion or a missed opportunity that they didn't continue the gag with the sub-headline, which could've been modified to "Zimpzon Azleep at the Zwitch"?

Man, nobody has mentioned one of my favorite bits from this episode yet?

Yes, it is.  And that's pretty much the only part of this whole episode that might be considered a commentary on guns.

It's pretty damn good.  Moe's "shut up" to Grampa in this same episode is great, too.