
Sarah was not Abraham's sister or half-soister, but niece.

"No play for Mr. Gray."

Ooh don't poo-poo a nickel, Lisa. A nickel will buy you a steak and kidney pie, a cup of coffee, a slice of cheesecake and a newsreel. With enough change left over to ride the trolley from Battery Park to the Polo Grounds.

Adam's going up to the 700 level thinking that the higher up you go the classier it has to get, and then cutting to him being horrified in how wrong that is was brilliant.

"Everybody…everybody get naked! C'mon, don't be stuck up, it's going to be great!"


Yo, um, I must've, like, fell on a bullet, and it, like, drove itself into my gut….

Wow, this is spot on for me too. So this is what it feels like when doves cry.

Health Acids

She has OCD in the books, which is why she is so timid and fragile, but they seem to have glossed over that in here.

I love the whole Mystery Date scene, from Homer and Marge really enjoying the game ('Ooh, the captain of the football team. He's a dreamboat. Don't wait up, Marge."), but the animation of Homer slowly coming up with the joke is just perfect and never ever fails to make me laugh.

I forgot to add the why, which isn't so bad, at least in the book

I haven't been watching (stopped after episode 2) and found having read the book the show was not working for me at all because of all the "mystery" and ambiguity that is not there in the books.


Don;t forget Charles Bronson too

Yeah, I feel that maybe if I hadn't read the book, then maybe I'd enjoy this show more than I am, It seems like the changes (and especially the major one with regards to Tommy) are having the opposite reaction to the point that when i almost stopped watching right after the cold open.

Yeah, and further counter arguments to the whole "man they were always so serious" criticism that people often throw at Soundgarden (and a lot of the the other "grunge" bands) was they would cover songs like Big Bottom and Earache my Eye at concerts.

See that ship over there? They're re-broadcasting Major League Baseball with implied oral consent, not express written consent…or so the legend goes.

I can think of specific episodes, but not even sure what seasons they are from. For example, I really enjoyed the spelling bee episode (though George Plimpton and his hotplate have a lot to do with that), the tap dancing one, the one where they move into Burns home, and off the top of my head. it was also at this

You also have Mr. Lisa Goes to Washington have weird things like her visit to the Jefferson memorial where the statue talks to her and it isn't played like a dream or anything more than a means to a good joke.