
To be honest, I really don;t get this whole "oh the Simpsons were much better when tied to reality" talk, especially as it is said in regards to the first three seasons. If anything, it got better when the show started to really play with that reality and test the limits only to snap things back into place, And of

Marge: Where are we going to put him?
Homer: Bart's room.
Lisa: Bart's room.
Marge: Bart's room.
Bart: Dumpster.

That it can be misconstrued (and at times this is done deliberately) is why I think it is important to point out the origins of the term and how it is meant to exclude non-Jews, as it is aimed solely at Jews by those who coined the term and used so as to seem scientific in their hateful views.

The term antisemitism has always meant hate for Jews, dating back to its origins in late 19th century Germany when it was coined to replace Judenhass (Jew-hatred).

There is a lot more to say on this, but in short:

You don't get to hide behind any claim of "I'm being silenced because of my critique of Israel" excuse as you didn't criticize Israel, you said "No, but they are systematically killing a large number of Palestinians. So fuck them".to something that had NOTHING AT ALL to do with Israel.

I'd say that in general TV/movies are not good at going beyond superficial depictions of any non-christians. You very rarely see any depictions of sephardic or mizrachi (middle eastern, far eastern) jews, just those of European (ashkenazi). They also pretty much are either barely practicing jews or the complete

Yeah, that is the part that just kills me, that it is such an insane explanation and the way Chalmers is kind of calling him on it, and kind of like just so jaded he doesn't care. Just incredible voice acting on both their parts.

i can't say for sure, but I've probably sang Wiggum's "Donuts, I got donuts" song out loud at some point in my life.

I'm still partial to the whole battle/rattle exchange from the first Chalmers episode:

"Homer, I found this behind the radiator. I really think you should throw it away."

Hopefully this will wake up those players left still chewing tobacco to stop..

The hitchhiker bit is great,

With the little finger flick of soda at the end too, very well animated.

The whole run of the Jupiter spy is my favorite, though if they keep having Clancy Brown do the random takes on iconic movie lines when Shape Ape is caught that will shoot right to the top.

There are some others. I think when Marge calls the Insane Asylum they play "Crazy" and when they call the Evil Krusty helpline the hold song is "Everybody Loves a Clown"

That's Hedley.

I;d say so, especially with the way Michael continues to be baffled by them "have any of you actually seen a chicken before?"

Counter point: Angel Hernandez.

I think the hesitation pitch was actually just more of a normal pitch, but because he had such an exaggerated delivery (with his high kick and all) and threw so hard usually that he figured out if he just threw the ball a little after the usual point it messed up the batters rhythm and they would swing as the ball was