
I always got a kick of how Steve Somers would rile him up when he'd call in, often playing his greatest hits over a twilight zone theme intro before letting him even talk. His yelling "They are done, D-O-E-N done!" is burned in my memory.

"Now who can argue with that? I think we're all indebted to Gabby Johnson for clearly stating what needed to be said. I'm particularly glad that these lovely children were here today to hear that speech. Not only was it authentic frontier gibberish, it expressed a courage little seen in this day and age."

See I too am an 80's kid am Mets/Giants, but that was not rare where I grew up on the south shore of Long Island. I had plenty of friends who were also that way, but also Yankees/Giants or Mets/Jets, but no one was ever Yankees Jets. I think part of it was cause you had some of u with parents old enough that they

I agree with all of that, but with the caveat that man did that World Series feel brutal as a fan. The way they had leads and just watched them go away due to both the bullpen and bad fielding errors late just left such a sour taste in my mouth. I wasn't crushed by it, and felt they were playing with house money

Generation K…ugh…

Yeah but you gotta feel that as far as hockey goes you made a smart choice as it's been a long ride down for the Islanders since those dynasty years.

I have no sympathy for Cubs fans as I think of them as also being fans of a basketball team that won 6 times in the 90's.

I think the most memorable part in the book for me was how scary Kevin Mitchell was based on his almost killing Strawberry over a pick up basketball game in 82 when both were in the minors

The worst will always be the damn extra inning loss with Kenny Rodgers walking in the wining run. Mets win that game 6 I am convinced they would of won game 7 and maybe the World Series.

So your one of those rare Yankees/Jets fans. I always felt that to be weird combo as you those are fan bases with very different mindsets.

It does have a lot to do with dealing with both Yankees/Yankee fans, which adds to a lot of the suffering. A good example of how this plays out is when Doc threw a no hitter for the Yankees. It was one thing to watch him and Straw win with them, but to see him pitch a no hitter when to that point it had never

Well there is that case of a Private Harry Speakup vs. US Army back in the 50's,..

I think they also used Cookie Puss mold for the Chanukah cakes

Some other tidbits not yet mentioned:

I don't remember if this was the case, but I think it was also right by the line for one of the other rides, so there was always a crowd waiting for nasty bell flops, people falling right away, as already mentioned lost bikini tops, and stream of obscenities that were the result of the coldness of the water.

We had camp trips there every year, always with the caveat no one was supposed to go on the Alpine Slide or Wave Pool because of the reputations. The Colorado River Rapids were great, except the pain in the ass of hauling a raft all the way up to the top. Also recall the bumper boats reeking from the leaking gasoline.


Your thinking of "Out of this World", with the voice of Burt Reynolds as the dad.

Just watch out for Frank Thomas.

Short answer yes with an "if", long answer no with a "but".