
I tried to be very specific about the language here, because yes, Carrey was a somebody before Ace Ventura. But I'll qualify further here. He got "famous fast" in the sense that he emerged from relative obscurity with three hit starring vehicles in one year—his first three smashes, all in a few months, which is almost

Don't think I'm being remotely half-assed about suggesting that the story has been challenged. I address it directly in the second graph. The first graph is about establishing the official story that has become lore. And beyond that, there have been rebuttals to the rebuttals, with some researchers suggesting that the

The film does not ignore it, but it does not make a huge deal of it either. (Bill, her brother, didn't know for years that they were lovers and not simply roommates.) Didn't seem crucial to discuss.

No, Bill brings it up. He was introduced to her as his sister's roommate and didn't learn until years later that they were a couple. It's just not especially crucial to what the film is doing, so I didn't mention it.

We get into plot details, including how the films shift in their second halves. There are no major spoilers, however.

Shit, you're right. I somehow forgot he was nominated for SNF. Will probably adjust that.

Generation Y and Millennials are the same thing.

Linked above now.

There is now a Spoiler Space.

Well, no, he's technically not an ex-boyfriend. But that's exactly how Tennant plays him: Like a toxic, possessive ex.

I got no beef with D'Onofio; he'd probably make a top five. But Tennant is menacing in a way no other Marvel villain is. For me, it's no contest.

Hey guys. Some of you may have noticed that the clip included in the piece doesn't match up with what Mike wrote. That's just a technical goof on our end. We'll get it switched out in the morning. Sorry about the mistake, and thank you, as always, for your late-night readership.

Certified Copy earned overwhelming praise, at Cannes and after. Wouldn't finding it pedestrian and forgettable be the contrarian opinion?

Bummer. Sorry man.

Someone indeed does. In the very song form you're referencing.

Not even the Linklater? It went wide-ish today. I guess that doesn't mean *everywhere,* but it's in, like, 75 markets.

Yeah, pretty much.

I'll probably add one later. Too swamped right now, but it'll be up by tomorrow.