
This is pretty spoiler heavy (beyond episode 7 dialogue). Thanks for the warning!

How much would Dave Hester pay for Rust's storage unit?

Indeed. But the next episode is.

"Audrey, honey, it's just us now."

Rust has a tattoo on his right forearm. That is not him.

Shows are usually graded against themselves. In order to give this episode a higher grade using your logic, most other shows would have to be graded way harder.

I can't see the show revolving entirely around drugs. Nothing is more compelling than murder/mystery in terms of detective/crime drama.


M Night Shyamalan twist: everyone was dead the entire time

The entire father-in-law theory has little credibility to it. Apart from the fact that Marty's oldest daughter was most likely exposed to sexual trauma (evidence: the doll setup in her room, the drawings at school). Apart from that, the only reason people seem to give for the father-in-law theory consideration is his

You wrote this review without watching Friday's episode which was probably the best of the week. Shame on you.

But what ever happened to Ginger…

Rust seemed liked he was back to being his old self when he reunited with Marty.

Rust did more than mow Marty's lawn this time

My guess… his daughter. Abducted or captured by this suspected cult. Perhaps someone he knows in on it?

He was also impulsive enough to drive drunk to his mistress' house and nearly assault her male companion. But he wouldn't have actually hurt him because he's "not a psycho."

Not sure if this theory has been mentioned, but it kind of relates to another one out there, so **possible spoiler** warning.

I knew it was booby trapped but it took me a few rewatches to figure out that it was a grenade rigged to the false wall.

I'd like to see Richard Madden take on something like this.

That's Tang.