Manuel Labore

Life is short. Filled with stuff.

Kingpin was better!

I get that's what they were going for, but it just rang untrue for me. Chalky's always been smarter than anyone gave him credit for (even himself). He knows Narcisse is a poisonous influence who never keeps his word. Hell, Daughter even reminds Chalky that Narcisse can't be trusted right there. So he has to know that

Nelson's end was expected, but he had Capone shitting himself, so he went out okay. Dunno if we'll see Eli again. Chalky's end was 100% pure "we need to wrap this up and do some kind of poetic blackout thing" television bullshit. He could have killed Narcisse right there in that room, and even though he'd have still

So we're deprived of a proper AR sendoff so Winter can indulge in his Godfather fanfic. And there's at least two more episodes with flashbacks retelling a story we already know. Swell.

We're ranked seventh in the country for income tax.

I live here in Wilmington, drive past that area quite frequently. On certain days the area smells about like you'd imagine. Not a swimmin' hole, that's for sure. As a resident, I can say with certainty that I've always known Dawson's Creek was full of shit.

That chick got Tauntauned.

Man, this show definitely has a leg up on Dexter.

Man, they're missing a prime opportunity for a Governor spin-off. It could be like the old Incredible Hulk TV show where he travels around helping families and people in need, only instead of Hulking out at the end he'd just flip out and kill them. Then burn another picture of his wife and kid and wander off down a

It would be pretty awesome if they have this long flashback to what the Governor's been doing all this time, then at the very end of the episode he reveals himself and is immediately shot dead.

In the opening Rick was like the slow-learner version of Will Graham

"We're supposed to keep our distance from each other, it might not be safe."

looking forward to every goddamned idiot on the planet going as heisenberg for halloween

At a certain point I went from enjoying Dexter as a well-made show to enjoying Dexter on the same campy level I would get from a Mexican soap opera. I make no excuses, and give zero fucks what anyone else thinks of me for it. As a matter of fact, I get some mild amusement out of knowing my enjoyment irritates others.


I like that my Declan expectations were subverted. I thought he'd play a bigger role in these last few episodes (possibly even being the one Walt has been arming himself to confront), but NOPE. Turns out his whole attitude was "MethMaster's retired, his idiot set fire to the lab, and really who gives a shit what trash

I felt really bad for Ed Helms while I watched this episode. They've totally destroyed his character over the past couple of years. I've been watching through the seasons from the beginning on Netflix, and this is some sort of Body Snatchers Andy. The one episode which particularly stuck out was "The Chump," where

Extras for the DVD/Blu Ray release of the documentary.

That's a bit more understandable. Over time you'd eventually come to terms with, if not get used to, having to avoid or destroy the dead things lurching around if you ever wanted to resume some semblance of normal life. You'd begin to view them as nuisance more than threat, depending on the particular circumstance