Manuel Labore

Have they ever explained how zombies always catch people by surprise on this show? For one, they all walk like they've just been hit by a truck, and lurch-dragging deadass legs through mounds of leaves in the woods isn't exactly stealthy. For another, they certainly all smell super ripe, especially after a Georgia

I wonder if they'll do the truck scene from the comics, only with Andrea in place of Tyrese…

Jesus fucking Christ, stop electing this goddamned idiot.

Haha, awesome. Mr. Borsalino would be a pretty cool supervillain name, btw.

I'm wearing jorts, too.

Look on the bright side: Maybe he'll never finish it, like much of his comics output.

"…and it was… oh, God, who was it? Great character actor, squeals like a pig…"
I have edited this quote so that it can now apply to any number of character actors.

The Walking Daddy-Os

i wanna take this punchline setup so bad right now

I wish Kirkman would let someone else write the comic, because it's turned into going-in-circles torture porn dogshit. He's running out of beloved characters to kill for cheap shock.

That fat, leaping Hulk in the pic is awesome. He looks like the kind of Hulk who would push cars out of the way at the Taco Bell drive-thru and order up 50 big box meals, or paint a team logo on his stomach and drunkenly run across the field screaming and naked at a football game. Marvel should consider publishing a

Wilmington, NC

There's an excerpt here, in the book description:

All I know is that Rob Thomas should have his name legally changed to Rob Matchbox.

Years ago, before KISS had their first comeback, I saw Ace Frehley play at this club in town called Empire Mine. There were only about 50-60 people in the joint, so everyone could pretty much stand right in front of the stage. He and his band still played like they were doing it for an arena, everyone had a blast, and

That episode of Friends had this shit wrapped up in 22 minutes.

That episode of Friends had this shit wrapped up in 22 minutes.

"So, about all that cutting you open and tormenting you and such. Whadya say we let bygones be bygones, knock back a couple of slugs, and I cram this here needle through your breastbone into your heart. For science, and all."

"So, about all that cutting you open and tormenting you and such. Whadya say we let bygones be bygones, knock back a couple of slugs, and I cram this here needle through your breastbone into your heart. For science, and all."

"Torture is a terrible violation of basic human rights, and I am outraged. I've come to the conclusion we should kill the torturers and their families, with a  particular emphasis on the women, painfully and slowly. Basically what I am saying is that the proper response to torture, which debases human beings and