
"The day George R.R. Martin fans have been waiting for has finally arrived: the kickoff of Thrones’ seventh and final outing."

"I’m not sure I’ve ever seen someone use a tampon on a TV show the way Nikki does here." - Check out Orange is the New Black.

Vargas does not drink, does not smoke. Does not brush his teeth. What do you do, Vargas?

Homeland Showtime's longest running series at 8 seasons? Did the AV Club erase Dexter from memory? If so, I don't blame them.

Is the writer aware that Saul's "Iranian contact" is Javadi, "The Magician", one of the main players from season 3?

You're misremembering the book, Todd. Lysa knew who Sansa was very early on. Her ultimate breakdown at the end of the book is based on jealousy about Sansa and Littlefinger, not some discovery about Sansa's true identity.

The funniest part is the adult stuntman that is supposed to be portraying Harrison.

How could someone be bored during Colin Hanks scenes? I can understand open-mouthed disbelief. Stunned silence. Hysterical laughter/weeping. But boredom?

You know, season 6 was ridiculously stupid. Outrageously dumb. But at least it wasn't boring.

Yeah but that's not the point. If he'd said Hanna then the marshal would immediately suspect Dexter of still being in contact with her.

Ha. Hahaha.

Ha. Hahaha.

At the end of the awful season 6, if you had told me that Deb finding out ultimately wouldn't matter, that 2 seasons later they would be best buds and she won't even give a shit that he's a serial killer, I wouldn't have believed you.

Because it's been more than half a year since they dated. "Harrison loved Hannah and never forgot her" could theoretically explain it, but it would be very fishy. At least, to a deputy marshal on any other show.

He missed the Emmy nomination for season 7, so I wouldn't think he'll get it next year.

Joking, was I?

It's the boyfriend, I'm pretty convinced at this point.

That's true. Disregard my post, apparently I was subconsciously anticipating the new Breaking Bad so much that I ignored the spoiler warning. Dexter sucks.

Can you stop referencing the most recent Breaking Bad episode in the comments section for Dexter? Some of us (who can't watch the shows live) just wanted to get Dexter out of the way early so they can enjoy Breaking Bad later on.