
I hate this show but some of your points were not accurate. Masuka did not just randomly accuse "that guy over there" of being the killer, he did it because he knew the guy was the boyfriend of the victim, someone who would quite naturally be a suspect in a crime like this. What's more worrying is the fact that he let

Something from Rome. (Incidentally, why hasn't this ever been covered by TV Club?) How about the series finale? Controversial only in that it's the series finale that no one wanted to be the series finale.

I would love to watch an Archer style satire of Dexter. Most of it would just be comprised of Dexter killing people in broad daylight while Quinn walks past whistling. Then it just cuts to Dexter throwing the body from his boat.

They can't kill Jamie because they need Dexter to be free to be out of the house, taking part in crazy action setpieces and helping Hannah and what not. Jamie is Harrison's babysitter therefore they have to keep her on the show no matter what.

Star Trek was killed after being moved to a Friday 10pm timeslot in 1968.

So Quinn caught Dexter on the scene just as he was about to kill Zak and Dexter STILL decided to go ahead with the kill? Oh wait, he probably realized that Quinn seeing him is about the same as no one seeing him.

If you like following people so much, why don't you join the CIA?

Stoned Nate would be a lot of fun provided you're not from Australia. WHAT FUCKING LANGUAGE ARE YOU SPEAKING?

I especially loved how that one guy who saved Deb at the end didn't say a single word, she never looked at him, he was pushed out of the shot as soon as Deb was safe, and we never saw him again. He didn't even try to stop her when she ran back in. It's like he was a living, breathing prop. *RANDOM MAN SAVES DEB - PLOT

I don't think "nadir" means what The Art Shell Face thinks it means.

In my defense, I didn't read the review having not seen the episode yet.

With next year being the final one, are there any plans to formally review the first season, Todd?

Only two weeks till Breaking Bad? I wish.