Steely-Eyed Realist

If this meta-sensory reality TRULY is imperceptible, if we can't even see effects of its existence indirectly on the perceptible reality then we can't really make any claims about it.  Does it follow the same rules as perceptible reality?  Maybe, perhaps that's not a bad guess.  But we can't ever know, by definition.

Does knowledge imparted via personal revelation always have to be unverifiable and/or undetectable?  I mean, God could reveal a bunch of true and externally verifiable facts to a prophet.  Why doesn't that ever happen?  That's the gist of it really.  It may very well be possible that one or several of the millions of

That's what the first chapter is about.  How do we go about figuring out what's real and what's not?  What tools can we use?  What tools SHOULD we use?

"And prayer is silly, if it replaces action, that's for sure"

I agree, but that doesn't make you any less of an asshole.

Nope, they don't send you spam.  And they didn't tie you up and force you to comment on this article either.

"Seriously, any time you're writing an ostensibly intellectual defense of a position, the word "I" should not be in your vocabulary. Makes you come off as a sanctimonious prick."

My contention is that the New Atheist mock ideas (whether you think the ideas are easily mocked is another matter), not necessarily the people holding them (unless said people are truly evil fucks like Fred Phelps et al).

Exactly what this book does.  It's a great primer into critical thinking.

How exactly are your parents suffering?  Have Dawkins, Hitchens, and Harris been harassing your parents?

Speaking for myself, as an atheist I mock ideas, just like you did just there "Religion should shut up about literal interpretations, because that's stupid."

Except for the knocking on people's doors and stuff.

I've bought it and have already started indoctrinating my children.

The American cover art is not as good as the British (which is the one I got).

Well, when that starts happening the phrase "evangelical atheism" will cease to be the bullshit strawman phrase it is today.

"Are indie films unfair to Christianity?"

AB does have more replay value.

“three guys and a young woman”
Like Extreme Ghostbusters?

Seth McFarlane - Humanist of the Year
According to the Harvard Humanists group.

You bastards! I was too young and in a country that has yet to see U2. Would have killed to see those shows.