Steely-Eyed Realist

Any Dawes for sale?

"“It’s still white history. And no amount of casting people of color disguises the fact that they’re erasing people of color from the actual narrative. […]
Yeah! Oh yeah, as a theatrical production, it’s incredible. As a Broadway musical, it’s amazing and deserves all the credit it gets. But as anything that conveys

Except they did, she has white ancestors. Explicitly stated by her dad.

You mean like Lost? Yeah, like Lost.

My kids are super into all the Gravity Falls conspiracy theories online. Some are absurd but one that they've been banging on for a while is that Stanford Pines has a twin brother. They were proven right. Apparently the theory goes that Stanford's twin is called Stanley Pines (hence the "Stan Pines" that died).

They are definitely uneven live. IMO they are the best American studio band there is right now. But live it can be tricky to pull off the Spoon sound. I've seen them twice. Once in a very small venue in West Massachusetts. Not bad. Then I saw them in the House of Blues in Boston and they sounded fantastic

It seems critics often need a narrative to hook their writing on. Sometimes instigated by labels and artists themselves. This one is odd because critics are contradicting themselves here, Metacritic has "Transference" at an 80. That's nothing to sneeze at. That doesn't smell of disappointment (unless you are

"Though the band co-produced the record, They Want My Soul is the first Spoon LP since 1996’s Telephono to receive significant production input from anyone outside of the band’s immediate circle"

Considering you drew a conclusion based on that mistake would it not be more forthcoming to put the correction on the article itself? Maybe the website won't let you. Anyway, glad you fixed that error.

Yup, it's getting annoying. Love "The Mystery Zone" although my favorite on that record is "Nobody Gets Me But You." That bassline is killer.

Agreed. I guess you can't account for taste but at minimum "Rent I Pay" is an aggressive opener. More annoying is seeing yet another reviewer jumping on the retroactive "Transference was underwhelming" bandwagon. Didn't realize that had become a consensus until this new record was announced.

"They Want My Soul is the first Spoon LP since 1996’s Telephono
that features no credited production work from the band’s members"

Well, with the way Neil Gaiman has handled pantheons before I'm confident he'd be able to spin an awesome revenge yarn using the Greek stories. I mean I wasn't thinking he'd insert the Endless in there or anything. It seems right in his wheelhouse, not like Dickens tackling Objectivism or anything like that.

I've always wondered how much better the God of War series would have been if Neil Gaiman wrote the story.

Yes, but he's white hispanic. Just like I am incidentally. Hispanic is not a race.

I realize this is an anonymous person telling a story on the internet but I swear this is true. A black childhood friend of mine from Colombia married a white as can be Boston Catholic Irish dude. They now have 2 white blonde girls. This is entirely possible especially if the black parent has white ancestry. I'm

"Evoking strong emotions about science has to be pretty hard to pull off"
It really really shouldn't be.

I had this conversation with a college friend of mine years ago. She was a Literature major and basically said exactly what you just did. We then tried to think of the least phallic things possible. Couldn't decide between a sphere or a hockey puck.

I'm one of those people that actually prefers Diet Coke due to taste. Although I don't drink much soda anymore.

Nice inclusion of Sloan. But of course, this was made by Canadians.