Steely-Eyed Realist

"Article" in technical, grammatical, or common parlance?

It's not clear that Bran can warg into an average person. He can warg into Hodor because of Hodor's mental impairment.

Huh? Spacewar emulators have been around online for years. I played one at least 15 years ago.

Another great one is "Come Out."

"But, for the moment, it appears that Marvel is set on putting Wolverine to rest for good. "
"for the moment […] for good"
Yeah. That about sums up how superhero "deaths" are handled.

You're right on regarding the pale imitations. Not his fault obviously but nevertheless there were many. What makes it particularly annoying is that bad magical realism is TERRIBLE (and not just in literature, bad magical realism in cinema is even worse). So hard to get it right.

Adiós, Gabo.

Obviously a bad finale won't magically make great earlier episodes bad. But it will almost definitely guarantee I won't rewatch the series. Knowing what's coming at the end of BSG and Lost ruins the ride for me. And in the case of HIMYM (a show my wife and I started watching a few years ago and gave up about 7

I'm kinda surprised Oliver Sava didn't mention this very big reference. I haven't even seen "They Live" and I knew what was being referenced with that fight. Step up your game, Sava.

If anyone ever gives me crap over McCartney's bass playing I show them this song. It is so good in every respect.

Kyle "I use up all my tally points to get Fall Out Boy in the AV Club year end list" Ryan? Not surprising.

eh nevermind

It made AV Club's best of the year list pretty much because Kyle Ryan used a good chunk of his ballot points on the album.  I think the album was on one other AV Club staff member's list but that was it.

Holy shit, yes.

Wouldn't it be 70s London?  I thought Giles was in a Sex-Pistols-like punk band at one point.

And while I can understand that, yeah, the genetics of the situation make no sense"

And while I can understand that, yeah, the genetics of the situation make no sense"

Putting this episode out for free is the Millennials' fault.

Putting this episode out for free is the Millennials' fault.

Holy crap Green Arrow, that's exactly the same case for me. It's one of my favorite collections ever but I can safely recommend it only to 2 or 3 people I know (all co-workers, we are engineers).