Steely-Eyed Realist

Love all their records. Even Telephono. I oscillate between Gax5 and Moonlight as my favorites.

"At least" not "at last"

Never noticed this before, but is she cross-eyed? Or at last was at the time of the clip?


Peter O'Toole and Groucho Marx
"Did you ever notice Peter O'Toole has a double phallic name?" - Groucho Marx

Nevermind. It IS the only one (explained in the intro of the 2009 complete list).

In fact, Kyle Ryan liked it so much that he included it on a 2009 list when the album was released December of 2008. Is this the only late 2008 album to be included on the lists?

It's just on two lists. Kyle Ryan named it his favorite album and gave it the maximum possible points. And Genevieve Koski liked it enough to give it 5 points. That's all it took for the album to sneak onto the final list.

"But it you want to be "The Next U2" or "The Next White Hot Center Band" that usually comes with some middle of the road artistic decisions."

Oh, I agree with you regarding the Animal Collective sound throughout their career. You can definitely tell who they are very easily. If a reviewer wrote that MPP is "totally different" from their previous output that WOULD be misleading.

"maybe it leans more heavily on the pop stuff than the noise and jam stuff"

Artists that are unapologetic in trying to be "The Biggest Band in the WorldTM" usually get scorn. And let's face it, most of the time they deserve it. The Killers are a good band and they've written some great tunes. But it you want to be "The Next U2" or "The Next White Hot Center Band" that usually comes with

I laughed when he was talking about the four types of clowns. Yep, I laughed at Cam basically stating clown facts.

Dunbaratu. I'm VERY disturbed by Bill Maher's anti-vaccination woo-woo.

Hah! Sorry, padrock. I need to increase the font size on this thing.

I don't have much to add. Tom Waits, pandok, Venkman, Yoko Homo and everyone else covered almost everything. But you know what? I'll add to the much deserved pile up on D'Angelo.

And you didn't even mention lack of online co-op play. A missed opportunity. Although since you didn't like the co-op play to begin with maybe this was a blessing in disguise.

Ok, this thread might now be dead.

Placeholder doesn't know what he's talking about. Read the rest of his comments on this page.