Steely-Eyed Realist

"And I don't have to stay away from any articles in whose comment section you choose to preach. […] Really, I never said you're not allowed to post here about your religious views,"

"There's no reason for you to keep bringing that up, other than to try and score some cheap straw man victory"


"What's your rule for conversations on the Internet?"

"Yet Dawkins talks about faith as if it's the essence of religious experience."


"In numerous comments you've made this slight error that made your replies come off meaning the opposite of what you intended. You're using the term "Cortier's Reply" as if it was the name for the argument employed by apologists when they complain that Dawkins doesn't know enough theology to say what he

"Spreading their message."

gillian I had not seen that! That was hilarious.

"Even if it the Antichrist is a crazy fantasy, it's still possible to be wrong about the Antichrist, or to not know your stuff about the Antichrist. If you said that this idea was invented by the Vikings in the 10th century, that's just an error of fact."

"I'm going to guess that I know a hell of a lot more about this topic than you do"

"Just because an idea is, at the end of the day, nonsense doesn't mean that it's an illegitimate topic for historians to concern themselves with. Leibniz' theory of monads is fucking crazy…so would you walk out of a philosophy class where this theory was being discussed? ("That's nonsense, I'm outta here!").

I'll address your points about theology shortly. But first this:

"But, if you actually observe them and how people interact within the churches, it is much more than that, and that's what I don't think Dawkins quite understands. He does try to over simplify it down to the man in the sky and faith vs rationality and science. "


"Religion has less to do with the invisible man in the sky and more to do with people and their need to belong to something or feel like they matter in some way."

"For religion to still be popular and draw converts it has to offer people something."

"I realize you could care less what I think about what I'm about to say"


"What do you think people do in a (secular, liberal arts) History of Christianity class? Sit around and talk about how groovy Jesus is? I'm getting the sense that you have no idea what the discipline of religious studies is all about, even as you're convinced that it's total bullshit. "