Steely-Eyed Realist

Here's why you're wrong != you're an idiot.

Eh, some ideas deserve condescension. Hell, sometimes your integrity is undermined if you're NOT condescending.

That was a big mistake.

No artists repeat
This might not get answered since it will get buried in the back pages of comments but is it a coincidence that no one artist had more than one album on this list or was there a quota system?

Among my comedy-snob friends, comedians that do voices or impressions are barely a notch or two above prop comics in the coolness department.

Listening to "Unwanted Thoughts Syndrome" right now through lala. Hadn't heard it before. It kills. It is fucking awesome.

"Cunt-Fucking Christ on a Crucicracker"

Vaughn's band name
Anybody catch the band's name? The posters were behind Britta during the first show:

Allison Brie… period.

Or rather, true for the Colombian "costeno" accent.

Oog, even funnier because it's true.

Yeah. My wife is also a Barranquillera blonde (even more blonde than Sofia Vergara). She gets puzzled looks every time she says where she's from.

Sofia Vergara and Gloria
Looks like the writers are tailoring the Gloria character to match Sofia Vergara's real life pretty damn closely. Today we got the oblique reveal that Gloria is from Barranquilla, Colombia just like Sofia Vergara herself (and just like myself, incidentally). This is probably for the best.

Osama Bin Laden and a deep fried Milky Way.

If Neil Gaiman's "American Gods" taught me anything is that Odin will resort to trickery if need be.

"Ten years from now, Bono will say "Yeah, Unknown Caller was shit, but hey, it was 2009. We were so young and inexperienced then.""

@i hate:

Colombian Coffee
Loved Manny with the coffee. He's telling the truth actually. Children in Colombia do drink coffee (with milk) for breakfast. So that scene brought back memories from home. Although I would dunk bread in the coffee, not actually drink it but that was just me being weird. For the most part kids

"I thought they were much more successful in turning "I'll Go Crazy if I Don't Go Crazy Tonight", a single that got a fairly lukewarm response, into a crazy disco freakout, but your mileage may vary."

@Moff: Yes I agree. The die-hards in the inner circle are always jumping and full of energy. As you move out, in general, the audience becomes more casual and are there for the hits.