Steely-Eyed Realist

I saw U2 four times this tour (I'm also a avid fan).

"(3) they may have one more absolute masterpiece inside them."

The Unforgettable Fire "sellout?" WTF? I'll agree with Moff here. It's a strange album (for U2) and it was a strange move to go after Eno and Lanois for production. Remember, at the time it wasn't the obvious thing to do for an arena rock band (see Coldplay). That record is kinda half-baked in parts actually.

The crew that prepped the plane with fuel and left it in the hangar for Cusack's family were really noble to not use the plane themselves. Or maybe they figured it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

I've been on team Shirin for a good part of the season, but I'm starting to wonder if this is because I think she's really really cute. Other than that challenge she won early on she's been mostly middle of the pack.

Although they do cut taxes. Unfortunately when they do that they also continue spending.

"they may have even forgot what actual conservatism is supposed to be, from the libertarian angle at least - "

The Beatles Rock Band game makes me appreciate Ringo's drumming even more. Try tackling Within You Without You/Tomorrow Never Knows or Helter Skelter on expert.

Elderly Soiled Illegitimate Child

Obviously, 1984 is not a memoir. But this topic reminds me of this observation by Christopher Hitchens.

Make that the second slide.

Socrates is a man
That first slide would work best as a syllogism.

I know you were asking astro, Rasil, but according to LensOfTruth the Ps3 version looks slightly better.

Don't you hate it when you lose a sock in the dryer? What is up with that?

"He doesn't express a dislike for authority as much as he expresses a dislike for someone ELSE being in charge. "

No PSOne firstie? Come on now.

Big Trouble…. in little Chiiiina!
John Carpenter's rock band made a song for the movie. And a video.

Yep, looks like they are for real. Reverse Poe!

This is like Poe's Law but for politics!

Make that: