Steely-Eyed Realist

I'm with you. "We Didn't Start The Fire" + Playground taunting "na na na na na" = Has to be parody.

"oy, and "liberal" in the economic sense in different from "liberal" in the anglo-american political sense. think "liberal" as in "libertarian""

"Be careful. Once you click that link you will see read things the mind was not programmed to conjur."

"Other than prestige and press, what do private companies gain from space exploration?"

And I stand corrected on Jillette's chart reading abilities.

"They did do a show about NASA, apparently, although I can't imagine what their problem with it is."

Lee's last whore
"while he enjoys the company of one of the Chinese whores."

I'm with you with all the that you said except for a few things:

Damn, did I just become a Jillette apologist? I believe I did.

"I guess I should have said 'in addition to' instead of 'as well as'. I'm aware they apologized for their smoking show. "


They've already apologized for second hand smoke. I strongly suspect they'll come around on climate change. I may be proven wrong of course. In fact, it looks like Jillette has shifted from skeptic to agnostic on change.

"If indeed Jillette believes his experiments settle the topic of the half hour show then he WOULD be full of shit."

"Assumptions have to be questioned before a reasoned argument can be put forth. "

Got it, thanks for the clarification Robuttnik.

"IF I remember the smoking episode you're talking about, they actually came out later in a different show and stated that the info they had at the time showed them that 2nd hand smoke health risks were garbage. They actually apologized for propogating that myth and admitted that based on new info they were wrong. "

"Holding an incorrect belief or assumption does not mean that one is unintelligent"

" The emotion Penn Jillette injects into the program is a pretty fair gauge of his disinterest in any result besides what his pre-established beliefs would already tell him. If you want to have a show that expresses your political opinion, fine…just don't disguise it as some objective scientific investigation of

"I just think you can push a libertarian agenda (pushing any agenda is not necessarily a bad thing) without being so obviously extreme. South Park does a similar thing where they only show the two extremes that nobody with a brain actually subscribe to."

and without Kari Byron.