Steely-Eyed Realist

It's ironincidental.

Blame it on Rio.

Peter Bagge's work for Reason
is worth a look. In fact, he has a collection coming out called "Everybody Is Stupid Except for Me and Other Astute Observations" published by Fantagraphics.

"Of course, all anybody remembers is Spurlock throwing up. "

That makes sense, Haden.

Haden's comment partly explains why I never saw the film. It was a stunt, not an experiment or an investigation. So it wasn't that interesting to me, unlike, say, Fast Food Nation.

I read Fast Food Nation, liked it a lot, and kept eating at McDonald's. That, my friends, is the definition of a man with no will power. Hmmmm. Frieeeees!

Not that he's on NPR regularly, I got confused there. In any event, I'll check him out more often.

Yes, Howley and Wilkinson are together. And Wilkinson IS more famous I believe (Cato, NPR). It just so happens I don't have his blog on my RSS feed. I'll add him, as it seems he may be the face of libertarianism to the NPR folk.

The ultimate Cinemax masturbatory VHS mix tape
Would include the sex scenes from:

Who wouldn't hit on Linda? Come on now she's a fox.

Not often GhaleonQ, although I do like his stuff. I prefer Julian Sanchez actually. Or even Kerry Howley (I'm very interested in immigration issues).

When I first heard that Patton Oswalt bit I laughed my ass off and immediately thought of a friend of mine that would have probably corrected the professor in the exact same way.

Yeah, I liked that. Although from the flashbacks it looks like Ted did really well in school and had a strong interest in science. So it shouldn't be that surprising he knows the broad strokes of science. I'm sure he aced Physics for Poets. He might have even gone further into hard science in college.

Funny you mention that GhaleonQ as my path to libertarianism was via Chomsky, who describes himself a libertarian socialist (not an oxymoron actually). Although I wouldn't consider myself a left-libertarian exactly. Anyways, what were we talking about? Oh, yes. The thinking asshole's author.

I'm with you korpios. I'm a libertarian myself (or very close to one). Perhaps you've read this already, but Michael Shermer wrote a great article about the cult of personality around Rand.

And you haven't even mentioned civil liberties yet.

It was an M. Night Shyamalan film all along.

Danny trying to warn Josh and Josh being cocky
leads to this great line by Josh.

At least it didn't happen to Fahrenheit 451.