Steely-Eyed Realist


By mere seconds, Fan Club! Nicely done. Good thing we're dealing with small stakes.

Eh, I got nuffin.

And his last line gave me chills.

Long time ago
"a strange holdover rule from back when religion played a strong part in government… oh, those times were so long ago."

Seems to be a little too neat of an answer to be believable.

I was wondering what Universal bought. Surely the word Asteroids is not owned by Atari and since there didn't seem to be much of a story in the game there didn't seem much of anything for Universal to buy. Maybe the story in the instructions booklet is a real page turner.

They should make a movie about that ET creature from that Atari game with the wells and the candy.

I'm an insufferable WHA (White Hispanic Atheist).

lala.com you can listen to the EP once for free.

Heh! Make some room then. White Stripes? Hold Steady? Animal Collective? Interpol?

Spoon best American band
Is Spoon the best American band of the 00's? They certainly are the most consistent. 4 albums this decade. All good to great.

Dagny Taggart?

[jacks off to film]

I bet you can!

You know Wu, before the show ended I was saving my pennies to buy the eventual "Complete Deadwood" boxset. I saw myself rewatching this stuff like crazy. But with the way HBO, Milch, Paramount etc fucked the show I just could not bring myself to buy it. I enjoy reading these write ups immensely (thanks Todd) but

Not to mention the "Disperse this riotous assembly!" scene in Season 2.

phodreaw, I think American civilians have softened since the Wild West. By and large. However, American exceptionalism, as you correctly point out, does mask American brutality right now, it's just that this time it's mostly the government doing it. I suppose the government is still "us" but it's not as hands on or

or a gap-toothed Elijah Wood.

What about orphaned kittens?