Steely-Eyed Realist

Richard is that you?
Michael Cera looks like Richard D. James (Aphex Twin) in that still.

I love the Dark Tower series, but Insomnia (the most connected of the stand alone novels to DT) is an insane mess.

Pet Sematary screwed me up. Read it too young, must have been 10 or so. Apparently King thought he went too far/too dark with Pet Sematary and almost scrapped it completely.

I read it recently, via Dark Tower V. Loved it. The encounter between Father Callahan and Kurt Barlow is AWESOME.

Thanks, phodreaw. What a performance by Dourif! The Civil War really did a number on Doc Cochran.

Doc Cochran and Rev. Smith
I loved their interaction. Cochran is obviously a man of science but it was never confirmed whether he was agnostic/atheist. I always wondered about that one. He clearly had genuine concern for Rev. Smith. This is from memory but did Cochran diagnose Smith with a brain tumor? And did

Josh explaining the gun bill to Wick
That scene has an awesome Josh line:

"The fact that they are successful in their lobbying efforts merely makes the government more culpable, not the industry less so."

I can't.
We missed it.
Just now.
When will then be now?


Maybe we should breed chickens that want to be eaten. Like the cows in "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy."

That should have read "climate change skeptics" not "climate skeptics." I doubt people actually doubt "climate" is a real thing. :P

Ok, so I read the link, lazerguide. That was very short on science and long of sociology, economics, and conspiracy theory. It's funny the author tries to draw a parallel between climate skeptics and GM food backers because I could draw another less flattering parallel: his piece reads like a Creationist manifesto.

Ricochet, that's really convincing.

Yes, that HAS to be it, Clueless. I work for ConAgra.

Frankenfood hysteria
"Like many social issue documentaries, Food, Inc. is better at addressing problems than offering solutions: its endorsement of organic food in particular feels a little flimsy."

Please, if any of those three lovely ladies were anywhere near any of us we'd die of dehydration from excessive drooling. Let's just say they are all really fucking hot.

And he's not a bad editor at all! I love this exchange.

Need of canned peaches, Johnny. Let's collect the camp elders.

Other than Dillahunt being a really good actor? Not that I know of. When Wolcott arrives to Deadwood I actually had to tell my wife that it was the same actor that played McCall in Season 1. I bet a lot of people didn't notice at all.