Steely-Eyed Realist

Deadwood Democrats = Libertarians
"Some political scientists argue this Old West mindset is what has led to the strong libertarian leanings in the Mountain West nowadays, and it's easy to see some of this in Al's feelings on things."

Believe the hype
This album really is that good.

Oh, Dangly Eyeball. That was an awesome fight indeed.

Two more, what the hell:

From way way later:

Murray, you are right. Milch wanted to do both shows. HBO said no and offered Milch a shortened season of Deadwood (6 episodes instead of 12). Milch did not accept the offer and decided to go full on John from Cincinnati.

I'm with you regarding the ending. So pissed HBO dropped it without a proper conclusion.

Satire and Power
" Satirists are all about speaking truth to power."

Skin in the game
"They're more or less libertarians, which grants them the broadest possible satirical license (and no skin in the game whatsoever),"

Office Space.

The BSG answer?
"Blackie is arguing that fate will keep causing the same conflicts to occur over and over, so what's the point of having a conflict at all? And Jacob is arguing that even though the results may be the same, the details change, and this is important. "

Jesus Christ he said that, Elitist? If Jimmy Chamberlin can't play drums then who the fuck can?

Ok, enough of this. Perfect Tommy go here:


Love Joel in The Soup. However, he's a mediocre stand up comic. My wife and I saw him last year. His own material is not very good. The funniest bits were Soup jokes verbatim. From that stand up show we got the impression that he's good at performance but perhaps not as good a comic writer as you'd think.

Kenneth volunteers to drink the strawberry water so that the hot EMT comes back to 30 Rock. He drinks the water and as his allergic reaction starts he tells Jenna, "Earn this."

Feliz Cumpleanos, querido!


Dammit. Had this been successful it would have been sweet. For what it's worth, I like your avatar, Mr. Shankly.