Steely-Eyed Realist

I bet this movie was made just so that Ice-T would impersonate Mr. T.

And yet, you did. But yeah, I deserve that.


So kids like to dance…
Am I missing something? So some kids are dancing. When did the Hater turn into the town from Footloose? Is the hate directed at the Disney corporation for trying to start a dance craze to promote a movie?

So kids like to dance…
Am I missing something? So some kids are dancing. When did the Hater turn into the town from Footloose? Is the hate directed at the Disney corporation for trying to start a dance craze to promote a movie?

@Not So New Pornographer

Yes, a bizarre omission. Especially considering that the AV Club has championed them for a while now and deservedly so! Perhaps that's why they weren't included? They know we know who the New Pornographers are?

I think she's kinda hot. However, her stage presence is really awkward. She does these strange and tentative "dance" moves. Someone upthread called it the potty dance. Don't know what that is exactly and yet it sounds like an apt name.

I'll check it out. Although I think you've got the genders backwards.

I also disliked Alexis Grace's performance of "Jolene." This may be heresy to country geeks (any of you here?) but I think the definitive version of "Jolene" is The White Stripes' version. I like the original, don't get me wrong, it's just that Jack White owns the fuck out of that song.

I'm with you. On top of the business-speak crap it's also a shame that the same channel that airs BSG also airs the horrid Ghost Hunters. Sci-fi as New Age woo-woo and "psychic" charlatanism (GH is supposed to be a reality show right?)

Damn! When did the Gervais hate start around these parts?

Amelie's "God twig" reminds me of that bizarre Gospel story where Jesus kills a fig tree because the tree has no figs and… he's hungry dammit! (Matthew 21:18-22).

Good firsties are fine, Big Tuna. Failed firsties (even if good) are another matter.

Hot friends are one thing. But hot AND sincere? Sign me up!

Looks like Apple will be selling adapters in the event you want to use third party earbuds with this new shuffle.

I'd like to hear the iPod shuffle bot-voice pronounce the following band names:

U2 still rock live
I'm a big U2 fan. But I have to agree with the AV Club hipsters and avid Pitchfork readers: U2's 00's studio output has been mediocre (ATYCLB) to almost bad (NLOTH). They have a handful of good 00's songs (Beautiful Day, Vertigo) but overall it's been lackluster.

Yeah, they'll be playing at the Somerville Theater. Industry people and radio contest winners get to go.