Steely-Eyed Realist

With her mom!

I'd like to take her out for a nice walk and buy her some iced cream and pretzelled bread.

"Am I the only one who thinks the first five songs on this album are the best shit they've done since Achtung Baby, though? "

I've heard the album a few times now. It's bad.


The Math
Monopoly + High Demand + Low Supply = Assrape

His accent
What the hell is wrong with it? He seems to be going in and out of American and British accents. Is that what a Welsh accent sounds like or is he having trouble deciding which accent sounds more threatening?

Hell, I still think Children of Men might be the movie of the decade.

She sang from the wrong rectum.

The Hold Steady.

"I heard the new U2 single last night. U2 has officially become a joke."

Oh, Bono. You're so funny.

Liar's Poker
I strongly recommend "Liar's Poker" by Michael Lewis. The best non-fiction book about Wall Street in the 80s. Not much has changed I see.

Orwell on TV
"The Prisoner is about the ways in which society seeks to crush and compromise the individual, to force people into blind acceptance so that the trains run on time, the clocks are always set, and faces are forever smiling. "

Well obviously it's a tribe of dieters that give long angry speeches.