The Black Goose

No, that's what USA shows are for. On NBC it's Josh or nothing.

Or that whole "Jefferson Bible" thing he was always on about.

Not enough likes in the world.

Damn, now I feel dumb for not even considering those in my favorite show. Donna, for sure. Also, CJ.

I came to say Winnie first, then Topanga a few years after that. So I'll stand with you.

It's 'cause Penny and Alex are fantastic together. One of my favorite moments from this season is Penny steering Alex down the sidewalk when Alex was crushing on Max and saying, "This is unacceptable behavior. I'll allow it." They're a great team.

Agreed. Season 4, up until the proposal when I quit, is sort of a haze. I just remember a lot of Timothy Dalton, but not much else. And I don't remember much of season 3 either, just that I liked it. But I do remember the sheer joy and fun of season 2, and that's what these episodes felt like to me. Great stuff for

Well damned if that wasn't a great way to go out, and a hell of a whole lot of fun. I couldn't resist watching after dropping out last season, and this definitely felt like watching the Chuck I remember best. Now I'm definitely going to have to go back and watch the whole season. All the callbacks were brilliantly

Sounds good, then. Because of my fondness for the early seasons, I most likely wouldn't have been able to not watch anyway. Glad to hear it's doing better, though, I might someday have to catch up on the season-and-a-half I missed. Like rip van winkle said, few shows I've watched have been as fun as this one.

I meant to ask this in last week's Chuck thread once I saw that this was the series finale but never got around to it: I bowed out during the episode where Chuck proposed in the last scene - which was supposed to be like a season/possible series finale before NBC tacked another order, if I recall - but don't know if I

I thought while watching it that Jerry called her, and she wanted to end it as quickly as possible, in the vicinity of other people even. She was cold as ice when she got there, so it just seemed to me she wanted it over with as soon as she heard about his plan.

Illegals……….*licks lips*…………..*plays with water bottle*…….*looks at ceiling* Il-legals……..

It's not over. It's never over.

Leslie wasn't just trying to be nice, she was trying to stick to her principles, she just eventually realized she couldn't. And Ron was barely coming around for a friend, he was mostly trying to get Chris of his back, which is why he brought "Dennis" to Chris just 'cause he was eating rice. Also Junior is unavailable

Ah, okay, I thought you meant like they changed her or something, 'cause I was just gonna say that she wasn't a great fit for him and was pretty much doomed the whole season. Anyway you're right, and I forgot the dude even looked like Jim, which is a nice joke.

Actually, yeah, that seems fair. Wikipedia tells me he only co-wrote the pilot, so I guess it was just his name and uncredited contributions he brought. I knew it was Schur's show, but I was just under the impression that he wrote or directed a little more than he has. So he can go then as long as Schur stays.

Plus he's got a more successful brother (assuming Nick's his brother) who's into the business, and he's the party bro.

"the direction they took her on the office"
As a passionate lover of season 3, I inquire as to what you mean by this.

Oh jesus fuck, not again. As long as they both don't go, at least.

No you're not. Just wait til you see how that baby face shreds the Pack's embarrassingly bad defense. I'm tempted to put a hole in my wall just thinking about it now.