The Black Goose

Evil Lincoln, KT is the showrunner and a writer, and Junior and dak are also writers. And yes, it is awesome and so was the site.

I know that. I was kidding.

Yeah, I realized that I meant re: things like health care and the other things in that last paragraph up there, and not his positions on war and such. Anyway, I wasn't arguing for him, just pointing out that he's been charged with not being libertarian anymore and that was his answer. Though judging from the review

He doesn't really anymore. Someone asked about it a little while back and he said that was '90s speak for wanting to smoke lots of pot. He's pretty openly liberal now.

Yeah, I usually just ignore things like that, but that was was pretty painful. Especially since 30 seconds later she says they've been dating for a month. I'm pretty sure we can crack the code, New Girl writers.

Sure, yeah, blame the dad that gets spit up on his $2,400 suit. COME ON!

This has reminded me that it's back in a month, which makes me unbelievably happy.

See, now this is why there are Parks and Community battles each week despite the fan overlap. I love Community too, but there's no reason to turn on us Parks fans and make things ugly. And Chuck Lorre? Well, that's just a cheap shot.

Ah yes, Johnny Bench called is another. Anytime Archer's consciously being a huge dick. Which really goes without saying, but still.

"I said, thank God for small miracles." "I HEARD YOU!" "I know!" *Archer giggles* remains my favorite exchange on the show. Just the best. You know, just thought you should know.

Well, that's disappointing. I rather liked the idea of them coming up with different sets of absurd jokes each time.

I could be wrong, and I'd be perfectly willing to admit it if so, but I don't think a lot of that treatment of the poor, etc. wasn't without strings attached, i.e. birth control worse than AIDS. Feel free to correct. My issues are much more recent and from my lifetime, and I don't claim to be an expert on the church's

He broke trying to say "Munchma Quchi" a few months ago. It's quite something to see him lose it.

That seems kind of oxymoronic, doesn't it Greg? That'd be my problem with religion, if I actually wanted any - it's their terms, and unlike Christianity you can't just break away from the Catholic church and start your own new version of Protestantism or Methodism. My mom's like that too, and as I enjoy pointing out

Well, yeah, that but I meant to them. I don't believe in those things either, but I also didn't have any say in being baptized. What I'm saying is I'd like to find a way to officially get excommunicated some day as well as hating that raccoon-eyed fuck.

Aren't we just technically lapsed unless they kick us out?

Oh boy. You done done it now.

I like Stewart too, but I definitely think Colbert is much better, both as a show and as a comedian/de facto newsman. I'm glad Stewart's still around though to do things like this week's ridiculous War on Christmas bullshit, because that was quite entertaining.

I knew Alan Shore, Alan Shore was a friend of mine, and Robert California is no Alan Shore.

I couldn't remember the line, and had to wait til today to re-watch it online, but that was way more hilarious than I remembered. "N-O." "I am much faster than you!" Rob Lowe's fantastic.