The Black Goose

@AlainChristian:disqus Dunno anything about what @avclub-e50487abdfa281f165b6826660087afc:disqus was talking about, but since he brought up Rob Lowe being an asshole and others have been posting things all day about him maybe leaving again, which the episode apparently set up, I felt this was as good a place as any to

Never. Always bugs me when people call him the weak link.

Man, am I sure glad I grew out of my Sam phase. 'Specially if he ends up leaving here after Leslie loses and he gets dumped by Ann. Damn you, Rob Lowe.

There wouldn't be problems if you didn't make fun of people's big hats is all.

He was like bizarro Josh for most of the episode, but when he unleashed the Josh speech and the "live ammo" line it made it all worth it. Oh, loved the episode too, especially Leslie's Bartlet line at the end, but Whitford was who I watched for tonight.

You're not talking about Jabaal Abdul-Simmons, are you, Arsenio?

Thanks to Mike Schur I always will think of Donald Duck, so I'm glad to see someone eventually named him, too.

I like to think of that as Daniels's way of saying "What the fuck did you guys do when we left?"

But, you see, Dwight was spraying her for bugs. Talk about compelling! Though in all seriousness, I did enjoy the tag. After all this time, Dwight and Jim should be eating dessert and watching TV together more often.

Yeah, @avclub-4acd793a645f227d84ddb7c4c3f16603:disqus , I know I just meant in general. And to be fair to you fellas and everybody whom I hate each week, I understand that I'm a large part of the problem. I wholeheartedly love the show and Leslie, in particular, and would be more than fine if everybody disappeared and

It'd be easier now every week to just have 2 threads for those who still like the show and those who think it's dead.

@avclub-df80f70f60b1c678f8c91696f4a54f5f:disqus Yeah, that's my favorite part. "Just go, Marcus. We'll see you next week. We all know it shoulda been you."

Their departments are unrelated, and neither is the other's boss. I'd imagine that would about cover it.

Only one great bit? Did you hear that song?

Yeah, that's the point. It's the Dave we never knew, the one without Leslie who had just got shut down by her again.

I enjoyed it very much too. The couple competition was annoying, but then, it was supposed to be, so. Plus Alex literally made me giggle like a girl with her latest failed burn before the credits.

Eh, knew it had to end sometime. Sadly.

"Any of the scripts from the first season of The Vampire Diaries."

Like halfway through the episode I was dismayed that this was going to be Lizzy's last, but thankfully it didn't go that way. Particularly since I really enjoy her and Nick together.

Oh, I didn't even see the "Live Ammo" bit. Needs more Ainsley, in that case.