Sergeant Pepoohsten

We'll just have to wait and see just what kind of electronic bugaluu they have in store for us.

Timbits? What?

Superman: Thrillkiller. Coming Summer 2016.

No, he didn't even save his dad from that tornado. No, nor advise him not to go after the dog.

She was briefly in a great sitcom called Aped Up.

All that may be true, but it's still Arizona.

Should be better than The Man With One Red Shoe.

I have a feeling the sausage's name will be Blue Wincus, or something equally high-larious.

Why does she kill. What planet is she from? These are questions left vague by the trailer. However, it appears to be an interesting movie, and I liked that little whirlwind on the lake.

Clearly, he murders trees.

And does he also suffer from the runs? His name would seem to indicate that indeed he does.

You ought to double bill it with Warrior of the Wasteland. That is a heck of a movie.

I thought you liked that guy.

Calling it hell on earth is a little extreme, but it certainly has some messed-up priorities.

For a double dose of this "pimping."

For a double dose of this "pimping."

That Goin' Down The Road parody is the greatest. Thanks for including it.

That Goin' Down The Road parody is the greatest. Thanks for including it.

* puts down cane, lifts fist and spins it weakly in the air, stops to breathe heavily, forgets why he even was doing that *

That's the greatest.