Sergeant Pepoohsten

No, badge of great honor.

Testify, brother.

Correct. They smell like lady regions.

Yes please, one with "Paradise Alley" marked on it.

Fresh, exciting and new.

I guess Inspector Gadget would be pretty cool.

Looking like?

I spit on your disapproval of pun threads. Ptah!

"What's black and white and red all over? The executive branch of the U.S. Government. Now, if you'll turn to chapter 3 in your texts…"

He will be the bes, there will be nun better.

As Donald Sutherland and Robert De Niro looked on helplessly!

Jazz standards? I believe you mean progressive rock.

Who will cover Odetta's "Hair Thee Well (Muff's Song)"?

I never watched the meth show, but I thought the actor was a bald guy with a goatee.

You shall pay for that remark.

For years after seeing the movie, I kept an eye out for her every time I was in a bar at closing.

The next person who passes shall die within a fortnight!

I typed in a few just to see what I got. They're all pretty crazy:

Hello. Just watched this movie. I have the exact same questions, plus a bonus one about Banks' wife and why he would ever go back to her. Sorry I can't be of more help.

@Plumberduck:disqus, 'the real world with a flying, laser-shooting alien in a unitard' is still not really the real world you and I actually live in.