Sergeant Pepoohsten

I'd be all over a Random Roles book. It's one of my favorite things this site does. I don't think they'd have to get special permission to reprint the interviews either, because such permission is implied by the original consent. But I'm no legal expert, so what do I know?

Uh oh
The crew has taken a innerest.

He'll get to the Grapeoids after he's done with the Strawberritrons.

But that would be inaccurate.

I remember that Sundance's name in the first half of that B&S movie is "Kid Skunk."

Deep Rising
I'd have liked to hear a little more about the fantastic jet ski chases in that movie, and about what he thinks that crazy monster even was.

Ah, Lt. Broccoli (salute), you're right. That's the place.

I'm going to break any day now! But until then,

So is the lady the alien? Someone's an alien, I'm sure of it! WHAT'S THE ANSWER??

You may hate my sign-off, Swami, but I agree with you a hundred percent about this. I just had a logo designed for my production company, and you know what? I PAID THE DESIGNER. Hear that, Ratner?

The keys to the saucer.

My signature is only irritating if you ALLOW yourself to be irritated by it.

- Have a hyper-realistic latex mask of his face made, and then wear it while playing a harmonica at the corner of College & Bathurst.

It happens in the very trailer embedded above.

It depends on the team-up. This one is fine; Uwe Boll and Kristiana Loken less so.

Seconded on Cat People. And I suppose it was his square nose that kept him from true handsome leading man status.

What's the one next to Cora's? Maybe that's the better slice.


Did we ever establish just what the Big Butt Book really was?
It can't just be a Taschen-type book about huge asses, can it?

Ever used a Robertson screwdriver and thought to yourself "Why aren't all screws and screwdrivers of this particular square-shaped variety?" Well, thank Canada for Robertsons. And Celine Dion, which we will generously allow you to keep, thanks.