Sergeant Pepoohsten

I'd have liked to hear about that looney-tunes movie The Caller.
I think that's what it was called. It has a twist in it that seems like a twist created by a ten year-old who's just learned, very roughly, the concept of a "twist ending."

You ate Pizza Pizza?
Jeepers. Why'd you wanna go do a thing like that, when Cora's is just up the street?

You mean the hidden track, "Yosemite Sam's Theme"?

Yeah, I can hardly tell Billy Gibbons from General Zod some days.

Perhaps he could simply give them one of his Oscars.
Anyway, this is more Good Job Tom Hanks than Internet. I thought he gave a marvelous performance here, reminiscent of his sparkling turn in Volunteers.

Have you seen that Peter Weir disaster movie "The Big Wave," wherein Australia is flooded and only its president, Sam Neil, has any clue of the calamity about to occur, because he alone possesses the knowledge to decode Aboriginal prophecy?

He was beloved, very much so. And I know exactly where he came from: North Drive in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.

RoyalYank is quite correct to mention the Big Tummy Orchestra. They were all of them fat. The story is often told in Canada of the day Fred Turner couldn't get up out of his Barcalounger.

Attack of the Stinkbats

The Three Eggfarters Meet Foul Dracula

You may think it very odd of me, but I enjoy the act of

I can't believe no one mentioned "Weird" Al Yankovic. He's been doing novelty-type songs for years!

I'm Sergeant Pepoohsten.

September 1, 1939
A day that shall live in enchanted infamy.

You Saw Them. You Climbed Them. You Never Forgot Them.

Walter Matthau, ever ahead of the curve, made a hopscotch movie back in '81. And didn't Steven Spielbergo make a Kick the Can picture for that Twilight Zone thing?

Yes, Allan Sherman was named. Everyone is still wack however, because no one has named Victor Borge.

Norman Greenbaum's Milk Cow
I don't know if it's a real novelty song, but close enough for government work, as they say:

Staff Sergeant Barry Sadler has a whole album of novelty-ish Vietnam-themed songs. "Bamiba" is the closest to being a potential catchy novelty hit.

I was in the car listening to a college station round about last Halloween, and they played the Monster Mash. It sounded amazing, like songs sometimes do when you're high (I wasn't), and thereby created a Perfect Moment. Cool story, I know, but the moral is that song is better than you think.