Sergeant Pepoohsten

Spike Jones' version of "The Hut Sut Song" is something else. I can't find the Jones version on You Tube, but here's another one - in my opinion one of the greatest music videos ever filmed:

He did take one thing from Shoot the Piano Player for SNDN III
Charles Azevanour's clear plastic brain helmet appears on one of the characters in the killer Santa picture.

But what does he say about Three Days of the Condor?
What was it like working with the old lady who played the secretary? Was Max Von Sydow nice to him? TELL US ABOUT THE SCENE WITH FAYE DUNAWAY.

Holy colungus, I somehow missed the whole third page.

If he uses the monster to be-filth ladies, I'm assuming the monster is his asshole.

And that makes me think of that Metallica album, Master of Buffets.

She has two last names?

I suppose it would have been nice to hear a Hudsucker story
but you can't cover everything. I know how these things go. Good interview.

I am No Klansman.

I consider Aronofsky a talented filmmaker
but I still don't think this could top the Sunn Classics film "In Search of Noah's Ark." That movie was chilling and effective.

IF you had some tools, MAYBE you could fix it. MAYBE.


Random capitol letters, now THERE'S a gimmick!

WETA Digital
That's the effects company I'd probably engage to create this marvelous, nearly life-like visual effects creation.

If they'd only read a little closer the ads would probably be for garage sale Radio Flyers with one busted wheel.

I do indeed enjoy this band
and in particular their album-and-a-half of covers, though the originals are pretty good too. Barbecue music maybe hits the nail on the head, though that sounds like a pejorative when I see it written out.

That's more than a mystery. That's a mystery wrapped in an enigma wrapped in a vest.

Oh, Lobsters one, you and your imaginary bugbears.

You should save your ire for Chuck Russell.

"Hey, Richard Rush, why was your erotic thriller so bad?"