Sergeant Pepoohsten

"Skritch Knockers"

"Bichon Fake"


"Lab Smackers"

"He's The Dog"


"Pooh Humpers"

"Hound Talkers"

It would just be eighty-two minutes of the director apologizing.

Now, come over and sit beside me and explain me something. Right here (pat, pat).
Now tell me, is sugar daddy a cereal?

So many of you had what sound to me like incredibly fucked-up childhoods, yet you appear to have survived them and sound, at least within the unverifiable confines of the AV Club message boards, like relatively well-adjusted people. So my hat's off to you folks who overcame that crazy nonsense.

I think one of them at least should have had a wife played by "Weezy" Jefferson.

Zapping Bridges
Zap, zap, zap! Don't forget his anus!

I like the idea that he just flies around burping and laughing and occasionally mutilating people.

Pretty good trick for an Australian.

Yes, all those Feelies albums are great. I would concur with Sam's ranking of them.

Song Cycle and Discover America are two amazing Van Dyke Parks albums that will be loved by all who purchase them. They are odd, no question, but very rewarding. On Song Cycle you'll find a song called "Public Domain," with the publishing rights assigned to Van Dyke Parks, followed up by a song called "Van Dyke Parks"

Exotica and in particular Hawaiian music, is excellent Christmas music.

There movies are weird
Werid and boring movies that make no sense to me and arnt funny, and who knows what they are talking about, more exploshons please

Bert Kwok.