Sergeant Pepoohsten

LetEnglandShake, it sounds suspiciously like you've actually seen the thing, which undercuts your outrage somewhat, I must say.


That's a great movie, and it occurred to me to suggest it, but I thought maybe he wasn't quite "young Jeff Bridges" still at that time. He has at least a decade's worth of earlier work. But if it counts, I say by all means include it! The Jack Nitzsche music score is one of the particularly great elements about it,

Meet Me In St. Louis?

Christmas Evil - the mind-blowing finale
I love movies like Christmas Evil and Breaking the Waves where they're reasonably realistic throughout, or at least set in a non-supernatural world, and then in the last minute of the movie things turn weird and set the whole rest of the movie in a new context. There must be

You guys heard it here first: PSAs adapted to feature length are going to be the next big thing.


Surely there are other bald non-actors out there who could maintain the level of quality established by Statham.

I was near the perfect age and target market for this band, but never liked them much. The closest I got to owning one of their albums was when I briefly had the Singles soundtrack.

What did Morrison's pynoo ever do to Crist?
He'd have died to get a piece of that pynoo.

Dead of outrage overload and excessive cuntiness.

Both Boyle and Reed
deserve a 763rd degree impact spanking.

Please give that guy an 836th degree impact spanking on my behalf. Many thanks.

I really hope the robots they use in this movie are the classic square-bodies you find in old serials and such. Failing that, perhaps an evil-faced robot like Lugosi had in The Phantom Creeps. Google-image that one - great robot, and it's easy to imagine Jack Black battling one, and then at the end we

He's got some extra room to stretch out, so that's good.

Does he pal around with P. Niss Holle?

This post readss like Hans Moleman trying to imitate Zodiac Motherfucker.

I worked for awhile building pallets, and after a few days with a nail gun in your hand, it just becomes a part of you, and if you're lazy, stupid or young, or some combination, you walk around with the trigger depressed all the time. And then one day you find yourself scratching your temple with the tip of the gun.

Ah, you just turn 'em around!

I can't say I'm all that much interested in reading reviews of the movies that will be in the multiplexes next month and the cutout bins a few months after that, though, so I'm not so bothered about it myself.