Sergeant Pepoohsten

That is a great soundtrack! I bought it when it came out - on vinyl, natch - because I was too young to get into the movie, and it was a picture disc with zombies on one side and naked Linnea Quigley on the other. Good stuff, and the music was tops too.

It's a nice enough picture, reminds me of a guy I know. Kind of looks like Guillermo Del Toro.

Like when a hex of no butthole has been placed upon you. That would cause the blues.

My rating:

But when you say anything at all it rhymes with anal.

No, his best movie is Creepshow!

Where did all the French hardcore bands go?

Tsar was my favorite.
He had it all going on, all of it, going on. And he could run, boy howdy could he run!

It's also just a straight up awesome movie.

I hope you told them to cram it with walnuts!

That could be the best Milton line of them all. And they were merry.

Discovery Channel is the parent company of TLC and therefore responsible for Kate + 8. Hey, now I'M getting kind of angry at them.

Wow, there's a picture of him in the recyclo-matic.
He does look crazy.

It's always quite interesting when recognized dramatic actors turn to comedy
They think comedy is so easy, when they've never even tried it before.

I hope everyone gets out all right,
and, of course, the squirrels.

May you be attacked by glowbots!

I'd have preferred a good old-fashioned Borscht Belt "Hah cha cha cha cha!"

Why didn't they get Donald Moffat for the role?

Leave Le Samourai alone!
Or let Wong Kar-wai do it.

Yes - where have all the Thrills gone?