Sergeant Pepoohsten

Ben Gazzara is a good actor!
That's how he started his show the time I saw him perform. That sentence stood alone, and rang as deep and as true as any great-thoughts radio philosopher could have mustered.

If you think she can't dance, you ought to check out a little film called Body Double!

His 1928 masterpiece A Vile Stick Insect Of Uncertain Gender.

Seriously, what would it be like being eaten by a sandworm?
Let's say you're a portly fellow in a flying suit. You sail right into the mouth of a giant sandworm. What happens then? Would it be possible to live inside of there, even just for a little while? Would there be strong digestive juices dissolving you, like

Danny Elfman must have listened to that seven times or more before composing the music to Batman. Or the music to anything else he did in the 90s, probably.

I will ponder all this.

You don't like Toto? It is a weird score, I'll give you that, and I can't fathom how Toto were picked to do it. Why not Styx? Chicago? Yes? Or - a real film composer?

And as usual, Jack McBrayer has to be the rebel, the odd man out.

What's up with the sound in these clips?
It doesn't sound like what I'm used to hearing in this movie. Sounds even stranger than usual, like it's been double-dubbed. Are these from the TV version or something?

Let me just say this: "Leonard Cimino as The Baron's Doctor" sports an incredibly pointy dome. But I guess he's a space person.

A moist, fleshy vagina, eh?
Not like those other kinds!

I see where he's coming from, I suppose, but the fact is nobody would say boo if those two museums were next door to one another.

I wonder: if he truly was the last, what does that make Arnie's character in Collateral Damage?

There's nothing secret about Dune's success! Flopping is a thing for cattle and love play, not DeLaurentiis productions!

I have no particular character! Unless the humble wish to remind my co-commentators of my name is a character. And I will admit I forget to do that now and again, but I'm trying to be better! Sergeant Pepoohsten is all me, the real me, and what you see is what you get.

Ho ho, your naivete is touching, 3rd prize! How do we know that was the real ZMF's voice? We have only Modell's word for it! And that plus a buck fifty gets you a cup of coffee.

Films That Time Forgot is among my faves - may it live long and prosper! The box of paperbacks is great stuff too.

Not wanting every single brainhammer out there to be toting a gun around isn't necessarily a political position.

Okay, what does all that mean?

Or the butterfingered cop?