Sergeant Pepoohsten

I celebrate the man's entire catalog.

Ha ha, just give me a phase-4 plasma rifle in a forty-watt range!

The funny thing about accusations of pretentiousness
is that they seem pretty meaningless to me unless the accuser can specify what exactly the pretentious object is trying, but failing, to achieve. I suppose in this case you could say The Suburbs is trying to be An Important Album, but that seems so general an

Definitely watch it. I love that movie. Flawed? I suppose, but wtf does that even really mean, I ask you.

Saving Sergeant Pepoohsten
I think the movie should have been about a handsome and valiant sergeant named Pepoohsten, the saving of whom, it turns out, was the single and entire point of Operation Overlord.

Or else they cut the back part of the nun's habit away with crimping shears! Now the Sarge has a funny feeling below decks.

Oh, those Russians.

Oh, come on, how do you get wimoweh from mbube?

This looks like the worst thing that ever was.
Sometimes I fantasize about the incredibly elaborate and expensive jokes I would play on the world if I had unlimited funds, and this looks like one of those jokes.

She could be a terrible person who lives in an upside-down shopping cart.

Bop Showbiz, it's called Big Money Ru$tlas and it's coming to an AV Club near you.

I like you, Sully.

It's not that anybody is hoping the movie will be as good as the trailer, but rather that it will be as good as what the trailer promises. Subtly different.

Please folks, understand! I in no way said I wasn't interested in Machete. I'll be taking a hit off that number like everyone else. But old school slashers are just more my kind of thing.

I'm sure that, when the real Aron shows up at the Academy Awards, the crowd will give him a big hand.

Hey, hey, I do the hilarious jokes around here.

Working on Thanksgiving?
That's a holiday for most people.

May 31, 2007: "A necktie? Nope, don't own one."

I think nothing short of receiving a pair of severed buttocks in the mail could properly honor this review.

The Back-Up Plan