Rochelle Rochelle

Don't worry - Sinclair & Boris Epshtyn are buying up all the local news channels, so soon every town will have it *own* mini fox-like channel. The cell is splitting into thousands of baby cells!

I love your observations! Great post!

He was sent to military school after he was thrown out of Kew Forest, a prestigious private school in Queens (near where I grew up). He was expelled allegedly for punching a teacher, according to a family friend who went to school with him. (Take that for what it's worth.)

Aaron Sorkin wrote a version of that line for "American President" (1995). It was at the end of the movie when Michael Douglas takes the podium at the press conference, and says about Bob Rumsen (Richard Dreyfus) that he claims to love America yet can't stand most Americans.

The funny thing is, I get emails from OFA, and right after the 11/8 election I was interested in seeing if I could get involved. Well the whole operation is a ghost town! There's no contact person, email address, or phone #, and the website, when I last looked, was still asking if you wanted to volunteer for Obama

That's why we have to cut funding for birth control by removing its mandate from the ACA and defunding Planned Parenthood! So simple.

YES! She also reminds me of Christine O'Donnell, the "I am not a witch" lady who ran in 2010 during the Tea Party wave.

I'm frightened to realize that a version of this already happened - at the crazy press conference. DT asked for a "nice" question, and the Jewish reporter from, I think Ami Magazine, actually started his question with a compliment and mentioning he was a supporter. And then when he went on to ask about anti-Semitic

Thank you for the clear and helpful explanation!


Kellyanne said this outright in an interview during the campaign.

Sooo…I'm afraid to ask, but doing it anyway: Is the "holocaust sub" a group to discuss why the holocaust was a good thing/should be re-implemented?

1. Elect Trump
2. ???
3. Profit!

It's even worse - it was 22 million!! And yeah, as you point out, 13 embassies attacked, none of which were investigated 8 times each.

'Member when Cartman got an Anal Probe? (Actually, one of my favorite episodes is "Canceled," when they 'member the pilot ep. Even that was over a decade ago.)

Tjing tjang tjing nutilej!

It was messy and there were a lot of balls in the air and a lot of interesting threads left hanging, like the Member Berries' end game and the girl-boy war. I found that watching each episode stand-alone, I didn't laugh all that much. Especially "Oh, Geez," which I was hoping would be cathartic but was very much not.

I loved the Member Berries. I tend towards nostalgia myself so I find myself saying in my head "I 'member" a lot. :) And not that this takes away from the gag, but I haven't seen anyone mention that it reminds me of BrainDead (from the Kings, of "The Good Wife"). The whole premise of the show was that the reason

Maybe it's because I'm looking for meaning now that nothing in the world makes sense, but I thought it could be read as commentary too. A comment on how many of us in the "liberal bubble" felt that so many progressive issues had been addressed and had come to pass: marriage equality; a black president; a woman about
