Rochelle Rochelle

I saw Seth not long after those South Park eps aired, maybe on Bill Maher. He was asked about SP and he took it in good humor. He just laughed and said, "Yeah, they don't like our cutaways. They *really* don't like our cutaways. But those guys are great." He was gracious and self-deprecating. Yes, I'm sure the


I saw Erasure there!

I mean the person to whom that quotation is properly attributed.

Wow. That quotation was very famously said by Sen. Pat Moynihan.

And in 1993 a truck bomb didn't try to blow up the World Trade Center.

It was not privatization. It was yet another example of a Republican governor, in this case Rick Snyder, trying to prove that services could be provided on the cheap, and instead fucking over the people of his state. Flint of course being an easy target as a poor, mostly non-white neighborhood. He changed from Flint's

Melissa McCarthy.

And the way the secretary turns her head away so she can laugh away from her boss's view.

And All in the Family!

How many is that?

Leave Michael alone!!!

Cumming, Pasquale, Chenowith…

It looks like he started to avail himself of the services of Kira's plastic surgeon. :(

And Landru!

I’m so sorry that happened to you. That’s so traumatic for a little kid, who’s old enough to feel horrible about what’s happening, but not yet old enough to know how to process your father’s actions. His “reasoning” was that he felt shamed and embarrassed. It just so happened that this crazy woman yelled at him for

Apparently it was a Jonathan Frakes thing - due to back problems, for some reason sitting down that way was easier for him.

Speaking as a non-BB fan (please don't excommunicate me, AV Club), I adored this episode and found every step fantastic, and of course that last scene devastating. Even when it was obvious that Mike was setting up the 2 cops.

I just thought of another one: a Logan-Briscoe ep when they find a video of what they think is a snuff film, a girl being raped and shot by a bunch of boys. Turns out she's alive and the shooting was fake. (She was raped, tho.)

Maybe kinda, in the ep I think called "ID." They thought one woman was killed, but it turned out the sister killed her and stole her identity, thus the wrong sister was identified as dead. So in prosecuting the fake sister, they had the wrong culprit and the wrong victim. (That ep also has a great side story where