
It's more about the jazz he doesn't say, dig?

Honey, pass the egg phallus.

Sure everyone is really impressed by his ascension to the throne of America's Favorite Astrophysics Intellectual that Carl Sagan left vacant, but it's times like these when he just becomes Neil "Dumbass" Tyson.

Nerf herders are very clearly not scruffy-looking. It's settled science.

Where are all the buttocks then? Not so cheeky at all.

There is a horrible racist joke about the Blue Light Special that I don't care to repeat in public. But, that ought to prove its ubiquity in the culture for our parents' generation.

Plop, plop, fizz, fizz.
"God is dead."

Eh. Stella is OK, but now that InBev is shuttling it everywhere it has lost its mystique.

Why isn't American Juggalo on this list?

The Brodge (Brendan Rodgers and himself)

So long as there is still a party in the back.

Not to be outdone, here's one from the NHL.

Grab That Auto is only slightly less dangerous than Hold That Tiger.

All we are is dust in the wind, dude.

No Futurama?

Spassky been known to tear your arms out of the socket?

Why are there, not one, but two ladies on this card? Didn't they read the bible? You must have a dick to make decisions.

Don't forget about the credits rendered in a horrible typeface at the bottom.

Why are there people standing in front of the screen?

All I wanted was a Pepsi and she wouldn't give it to me. Just a Pepsi.