
More like "anal eyes", am I right?

"Metaly stupid" could refer to lead poisoning, which can cause psychosis. Lead plumbing probably created a lot of crazy people in Rome. Nero, Tiberius, Caligula, I'm lookin' at you.

Using the woodwinds for the palm muted wah guitar part was ok, but this feels too close to S & M for me to admit liking it.

Too short. It was starting to get interesting for a bit there around 4:47, then it just ends. Next time try to really flesh out the idea. Give it time to breathe.

Trying a little to hard there.

The word "buns" always makes me giggle a bit.

You let them get all old and stringy? They reach their peak ripeness at day 4.

Still, the fact that @pontifex rolls up in a Fiat…who else was sort of expecting Guido Sarducci to step out?

This is a crime against sweet 70's mustaches. To arms!

Two words: Super Dave Osborne

He's rather scruffy looking, for a Nerf herder.

Supernovae invented heavy metal…at least those metals heavier than iron…maiden.

Who's on first?

Really? Somehow didn't expect Trump to be a bottom…

He's making a sandwich, not tossing a salad.

Put on a sweater if you're too cold.

Stewart Copeland and Taj Mahal…what the fuck?

No one is going to make a Hong Couver joke? It is the easiest, laziest, hackiest of the Vancouver jokes. I have such low expectations for these GJ,I! posts. Don't make me readjust my perceptions.

Very carefully. Very carefully. And, he has Anal Bum Covers for you to look at whilst the sharpenings commence.

It's hard to get too cranky about the cassette "renaissance". Sure it almost literally makes no sense. The only thing they had going for them was duplication, but that is utterly dwarfed by the utility of compressed, digitized audio files. Then, you realize that artisinal pencil sharpening (http://www.artisanalpenci