

It's a neat trick, but kind of on the cheap side of the spectrum.

Bubba Ho Tep, fuck yeah!

It took that long? Man, I gave that up at 23, because I'm too cool for all y'all. That's what my mommy says, at least. (Still, though, let's hope you turned that age in like 2004.)

Vanilla Sky is hardly a high bar to clear by that rationale, Mr. Monster. Even if it was the best tasting film in his oeuvre.


Where's the horrible ethnic stereotype accent?

Interior monologue: "…is this a trick?…no, I don't think so…what would W do?…what would Daddy do?…what would Mommy do?…ok, let's split the difference…"

That explains the distinctly Cheney-like appendage emanating from his posterior.

And, after all that bs, he isn't even done. GJ,I! now owes us all 13 minutes back at the end of our lives.

…women:Cappuccino…steamed up and frothing at the mouth.

The Blade Runner one. Do that one, please.

If it makes you feel better about yourself, I too liked this post.


But boy isn't he trying to exhaust everyone's goodwill towards him for his contributions to Nirvana and select moments thereafter! For every decent FF song and smart collaboration - Songs for the Deaf, FTW - there has been an overwhelming pile of steaming feces heaped on top.

But not the other songs of same title by Pink Floyd or Tom Petty? Interesting. The truthers were right!

Gigantic dick semen can't melt steel. Wake up sheeple.

Sound the "Klaxon"

The songwriting team pretty much apologized for it on an episode of Judge John Hodgman. (Ep. 194, FYI)

The Jim Henson biography by Brian Jay Jones is worth a read. Dude had an interesting life, and REALLY liked to work.