
Maybe that was the new sound Chuck was searching for.

Reminding us all of the equivalence between anuses and opinions…

It rubs the lotion on it's skin, or it gets the hose again.

What does three up and three down mean to you, airman?

something, something, life's D.O.A…

He is the biggest of the Friends, after all.

Going for that Carmen Sandiego look?

Denver? You need to open your eyes more, because it's usually a tour stop for bands big and small. Pretty sure Red Rocks is still there.

Are you static or variable?

The pug's tongue, too.

Or play anything from Reload

Saaaaaaay, did you know that I like this film?

On first encounter with Mario in SMB, thought having his hand up on jumps was to keep his hat from falling off on the descent. I only later realized it was to punch the blocks after going back to play MB.

You can start now. It's never too early.

And Icebergs, stop running into ships.

Noodle Noggin

Not to mention that this has been done to death by other, more talented musicians.

Never mind how many real awards your student film wins, the true mark of quality is a Vimeo Staff Pick, or a Vimsy as it is commonly known.

Liable to break out into a lively sea shanty imminently…